Weiterbildung im Bereich Sonnenenergie-Systeme der Firma Ernst Schweizer AG in Hedingen, welche Planung, Auslegung und Ausführung einer Sonnenkollektor-Anlage, eine Einführung in den Bau und Betrieb von Grossanlagen, sowie die Montage von Kollektoren für Indach- und Flachdachfelder beinhaltete (08. Okt 2013)
Proficient User (CEFR)
Level 2 Certificate in English (ESOL).
Grade B Award in the Certificate in Advanced English (CAE)
Council of Europe Level C1
Reference Number 073AU0175088
Accreditation Number 100/2033/0
Certificate Number 0017725684
Advanced Level
245 hours attended at the English language College International House of Queensland
Students at this level are of approximately Cambridge Advanced standard. They are able to use a wide range of structures and vocabulary accurately, effectively and with ease. Communication should cause no strain on the listener and their manipulation of style, tone and register is becoming more developed.